Why I enjoy writing software at Harvest

Originally posted to http://techtime.getharvest.com/blog/why-i-enjoy-writing-software-at-harvest.

I occasionally help out the team by interviewing new candidates. The most common question I have been asked — “What do you enjoy most about working at Harvest?” — is a great question for an interviewee to ask. There are several stock answers that I think most people reach for. You can talk about how much you like the team, the culture, the flexibility, or the customers you help. I appreciate all of these at Harvest, but there are some specific anecdotes that I think really help paint a picture of what it is like to work at Harvest.

The Codebase

I enjoy working with our codebase. That sounds shallow since the codebase is just a means to an end: providing a great experience for our customers. However working daily with Harvest’s codebase is the full-time job for myself and the team I work with. If it were painful, that’d be a negative daily experience to weigh against the other benefits. I also firmly believe that our team’s ability to help solve our customer’s needs is directly influenced by the ease at which we can build features and fix problems.

You should know that Harvest launched in 2005 before Rails had even hit version 1.0 and we have our share of legacy code that has persisted over the years. I joined Harvest over 2 years ago and my experience pretty much amounted to enterprises, startups, and consulting. For the longest time my favorite projects were greenfield, where the teams could work on the problem at hand with very little regard to legacy code. So why do I enjoy working on a large old app like Harvest? Because it is amazing and inspiring to see it transform and improve over the years.

It is one thing to launch a project for a client, fix a few bugs, and then move on or throw a ball of hacks together in order to get profitable as soon as possible. It is another world altogether to deploy a feature set, and then continue to improve and polish it as time goes on. We do have our spurts where we will rewrite old code from scratch, and we might even grumble at the previous developer’s short-sighted design choices while we do it (which is funnier when you realize you were the previous developer). But our team recognizes that old code helped get Harvest to where it is today.

There is a respect, a beauty, and an admiration that comes working long term on a legacy codebase alongside this team.

The Team

The team here at Harvest is critical for our codebase to improve. Working on a legacy codebase with an understaffed crew is definitely unfun. Have you ever accidentally deployed a bug and had to answer a flood of support tickets while you’re trying to figure out a fix and deploy it? Have you ever critically botched the infrastructure and suddenly had to scramble to fix the servers?

I am grateful for the teams we have here at Harvest. I’m a big fan of our Harvest Experts who genuinely care about solving our customer’s problems and diagnose bug symptoms to pass on to developers. They honestly mean it when they tell our customers to write or call in when they need help.

I am relieved we have a brilliant and hardworking Operations team that is focused on our infrastructure 24x7 dealing with daily problems ranging from security reports and patches to capacity planning.

I am thankful for our Product Design team who thinks a lot about the customer’s interface experience. They also work closely with the Development team and adapt if technical limitations are uncovered.

We have several other roles too, like our Mobile Developers, Quality Assurance, Marketing, External Integrations, and Office Managers that all fit in a unique way to improving our company and product. Because of these roles, I can focus on what I do best.

Roles and Communication

Now you might get the impression that each of these roles are rigidly defined and add to office bureaucracy; Developers need to submit “Database Change Requests” to Ops and everyone is busy filling out TPS reports. Not at all.

Each one of these teams fluidly communicates with other teams in order to solve the problems at hand. Developers are asked to take over certain support tickets. Ops members are invited to a technical design discussion. Experts are asked about common customer problems while we redesign an existing feature. Developers let Experts know beforehand when we’re going to launch features so they can field support issues with current information.

There isn’t any central authority that dictates these processes. Each team puts together their process and if things go poorly, they talk about it and improve it. Sometimes that requires talking and changing a process between teams. We do have a few people who float between teams that can view issues in the aggregate and suggest improvements.


A legacy codebase would never improve if the team working on it didn’t have the authority to make big changes. The freedom to improve areas is a wonderful advantage. But with that advantage comes responsibility: we still have to prioritize features and get a general consensus among the immediate team.

I’ve worked in some places where the unspoken rule was “It ain’t broken enough, so don’t fix it” and that is not the case at Harvest. Most of us have our own personal short list of areas we want to make better and have the flexibility to squeeze wins here and there within a normal work week.

The team submits and vets bigger feature changes and rewrites, not a Product Manager or a Project Manager, and those projects are prioritized alongside everything else.

A Direct Influence

The direct influence of everyone on our team on our customers means a lot to me. I like that my work positively affects contractors, designers, business owners, and many others. Our customer’s needs are very real and have serious impacts on their livelihood.

Some of our customers are independent with various distractions that pull at them. It’s very satisfying to know that my work can improve their day-to-day life. Our team has a responsibility to keep a stable infrastructure with as few bugs as possible because our screw-ups can cause a big disruption for our customers.

A Glimpse

A recent meeting inspired me to write this post. My team is working with another team on an integration that have some particularly interesting (and fun!) performance implications.

We met a few times to try and hammer out how one piece of code should talk to another. These meetings have included Design and Ops to help weigh in with different perspectives. Our last meeting between the teams had five developers focusing on a specific technical issue.

  • We talked about a few straightforward solutions and we agreed on one along with some metrics.
  • As we learn more, we agreed we might need to bring design back into the discussion in order to figure out some user interface compromises because of performance.
  • We agreed we need to take a serious look at the root cause of the performance issue and prioritize that when we can.
  • We ended the meeting with “Let’s all expect to rewrite parts of this we roll it out 100%. We can consider ourselves lucky if it makes it to production as-is.” That got a few chuckles but everyone nodded in agreement.

This is a great glimpse of what it is like to work here. We know we may have to change as we go. The team is not afraid of being wrong and has the courage to move forward with the information we have. Multiple areas can weigh in with input. The teams are not shutting down the conversation by pointing fingers or huffing “that’s not my problem.”

A Coworker’s Comment

I asked my coworkers to review a draft before I published this. Andrew said parts of this post resonated with him. I liked his comment so much that I asked his permission to end with it.

I love watching This Old House — it’s one of my weekend guilty pleasures. I keep coming back to the show because of the amount of work they put into a project house — it’s incredible. The current project has a closed-in back yard, so when the project called for replacing three stone walls, they had to disassemble the wall and carry it out one wheelbarrow at a time, through the house, to a dumpster on the street.

They care for the house. But it’s not just care — it’s a kind of love. My mother used to tell me, “no matter what you do, you’ll be our son, and we love you for that.” I like to think of the craftspeople on This Old House that way — “No matter what kind of mold and crumbling masonry we find, you’ll always be our project house, and we’ll make it right.”