New iPad App Deployed: Spatik
For the past few months I’ve been helping Nicholas Patten take his vision and translate it into an iPad App. I’m proud to announce Spatik was accepted today and is now available in the App Store.
It’s purpose is to bring Google Reader and Twitter to a user’s fingertips (literally) and let the users schedule tweets. Spatik was a lot of fun to work on for me for a variety of reasons. While developing Spatik I learned more about:
- Google’s OAuth workflow, I had previously worked on Twitter OAuth on other projects.
- The OAuth workflow within the iOS environment.
- Having an iOS client interact with a custom backend server.
- The App Store approval process.
- The iOS human user interface guidelines and building custom interface components.
I will post more about the development lessons learned in other posts. But right now, I want the spotlight squarely on Spatik and Nicholas Patten.
Check out the app, give it a spin!